In fact, not having a PDF reader downloaded may be one of the reasons why your PDFs are automatically opening in Chrome. Yes, you can open a PDF without designated PDF reading or editing software downloaded onto your device. Click Disable to ensure PDFs won’t be opened in a browser.Click Manage Add-Ons and choose Acrobat Reader in the list of add-ons.Click Internet in the left panel of the Preferences menu and then select Internet Settings.Open Acrobat Reader and select Edit > Preferences.If so, here are a few step-by-step instructions for changing the settings in your PDF reader or software (for example, Adobe Acrobat Reader): PDFs opening in Chrome instead of Adobe? You might be interested in switching your settings to open PDFs in your reader instead of your browser. How to open a PDF in Adobe Reader, not Chrome or other browsers. Read on to find a few simple remedies to change this if you want to open a PDF in Adobe, not Chrome. These are just a few reasons for PDFs to open in Chrome instead of Adobe. You have installed the Acrobat Chrome extension on your browser.You haven’t turned off Chrome’s automatic setting to work as a PDF viewer.Your default settings on your PDF software might be set to a web browser.You don’t have a PDF reader or software downloaded.There are a few common reasons that could explain why your PDF is opening in Chrome instead of Adobe or in a browser instead of a PDF editor. These usually include fill and sign, comments, highlights, and annotation. Google Chrome and other browsers are PDF viewers, and they also have basic PDF editing functions. You can use Adobe’s online tools to open and edit a PDF online. The answer is yes, you can open a PDF in a browser and even make some edits.

If you’re wondering, “Why do my PDFs open in Chrome?” - you might also want to know if your PDFs can be edited in a browser or online. Can I edit PDFs or make changes in browsers? If you’ve ever wondered why this happens, or if you’re interested in changing these default settings, this article will be a good starting point for you. If so, there’s good news: this is a fairly common problem - and one that’s easy to resolve. You’ve probably opened a PDF before, expected it to open in a PDF reader, but instead been surprised when it opened in your default browser. Why are my PDFs opening in Chrome? It seems like we’ve all asked ourselves this at some point. This article outlines a few common reasons why your PDFs might be opening in a browser instead of a PDF reader. Why do my PDFs open in Chrome or other browsers?